Friday, November 12, 2010


I noticed that in the Japanese drama show I've been watching, they called New York ヌーヨーカ (instead of ニューヨーク).  I'm not sure if this was because the show was based in old time Japan in a region with different accent (that's my guess), but it is really interesting to see that the same word could be translated differently in katakana.  I think maybe this is the reason why Sato sensei kept emphasizing on listening to our last names in class before he wrote it out for us.  But at the same time, doesn't that make it more difficult for foreign speakers to learn katakana?  Uhm...

Anyway, 龍馬伝は とても おもしろいです! まいにち わたしは みます! I learned so much about Japanese history.  The most important is that I was amazed by how precisely and accurately the directors are trying to present the history.  Comparing to the limited number of Chinese old time dramas I've seen, I think I like Ryomaden much better.

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