Wednesday, December 8, 2010


わたしの最初の日本語の学期は おわりました。
わたしは たくさん 日本語を ならいました。
わたしは 日本語が とても すきです。 佐藤先生が すきです。

The semester seemed to have finished really fast.  I still remember my first day in Sato sensei's class, and how terrified I was listening to him speaking Japanese like a "mad" man.  ;)  For the entire first class, I was so sure that I went to the wrong one and somehow got mixed up with a bunch of advanced students.  lol  It's just so amazing to see how much I have learned.  I can read hiragana and kanakana (somewhat) now!  Hooray!!!

It's a little sad now that the semester is finishing up.  I'm sure others don't think so (especially the undergrads like my brother.  It's his first year in college and he can't wait to come back to New York as soon as his first week was over... -_-").  But for me, having a class to go to everyday and something to study for is a nice change for a while.  Spending all the time in lab can really drive someone crazy...  Besides that, what really makes me sad is that I don't know if I can take Sato sensei's class again next semester.  I am trying to graduate in May, and my research is absolutely NOT going anywhere at this point.  I have been working like a mad man myself these days (pulling 12, 13 hours a day in lab) trying to get some good results.  I'm sure life will only be worse when the new year comes...  So for that reason, I still haven't registered for next semester (and also because I missed the registration period...AGAIN...).  I would be really disappointed if I ended up not taking Japanese next semester.  *sigh*  Why didn't I think about doing this 2 years ago?!!!  ><"

Anyway, like my mother always says, things will work out in the end by themselves.  I'm sure I can somehow work out the magic, have my research results just in time so that I will have time to take Japanese.  (And maybe my magic would work out even better to give me a job too...)  As for now, I guess I will just have to worry about my final first.  The oral exam practice today (or yesterday) was absolutely horrible.  I was wondering if we were driving Sato sensei crazy for the whole time... =P

Sunday, December 5, 2010


二十年ごのわたしは ゆうめいな けんきゅうしゃです。わたしのうちが ニューヨークと 中国に あります。ニューヨークの ハウスは 大きいです。クイーンズに あります。

かぞくは ははと おっとと こどもが ふたり います。そして 大きい いぬが いっぴ います。わたしは いぬが とても すきですよ。

わたしの 会社は ニュージャージに あります。わたしは 毎日 じどうしゃで はたらきに いきます。毎年 わたしは こくさい かいぎへ いきます。そして スピーチを します。

毎年 かぞくは りょこうを します。いろいろな がいこくへ いきます。オーストラリアや ヨーロッパなどへ いきます。いろいろな りょうりを たべます。わたしは まい かぞくと ヂィズニーランドへ いきたいです。それから 毎年 中国へ かえります。かぞくに あいに いきます。わたしは こともに 中国語を おしえます。とても じゅうようですね。