Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Two and a half weeks later...

After a serious two-minute ocnsidation of what my blog topic should be, I decided to use this opportunity to conclude my two and a half weeks of learning Japanese by practing to recite my activities of the day.  =)

So let's see...

をたしは けさ じゅうじに おきました。
じゅうじ から じゅうにじ まで surf online-ました。
ごごいちじ から さんじ まで はたらきました。
さんじい went to ゆうびんきょく。
よじ から ごじはん まで べんきょうしました。
ろくじ から じゅうじはん まで はたらきました (AGAIN!)。

I have to say, as a graduate student, I do have the best time of my life right now.  I don't have a set working hour.  As long as I get my work done, I can come and go as I want.  I am a night owl.  I like to work at night.  I used to say it's because there's no good TV programs on at night.  But more importantly, there's no one around to bother me.  ;)  Hehe...I still remember those days when I used to stay up all night studying and then go to sleep at 6am after I checked out the morning news.  I don't do that anymore.  No more homeworks to keep me up late!  Hooray~~~  But I still like to enjoy a peaceful quiet night once a while.  What can I say?  I guess the lonely night just fits me better...


Homin said...

そですね。ばんがすきですか。わたしわねたいですから。。。You are up to the research that you have said before? If any chance, I want to hear about your research in depth. It will be great to know such technology.

aelith said...

わたしもだいがくいんせいです。But, it really depends on your field on what kind of けんきゅうしゃ you become. わたしのおっとは Biologyのだいがくいんせいです。He also likes the late, quiet, solitary hours for work and enjoys a lack of homework (although there is always scholarly literature to read). Being a humanitiesのだいがくいんせい whether in class or doing research, there is always homework/reading/work, it is never done. I am green with envy! 很高兴地找到你的“ブログ”。

Sakura said...

I have to say that I didn't expect anyone would read my blog. It was really a pleasant surprise to see I had TWO comments when I logged on today. Thank you guys for reading my boring daily schedule and my random thoughts on things that don't quite matter... ありがとう!

Homin-san, I think I'll dedicate another blog entry completely on my research project. I can't say that I'm loving it 24/7 (trust me, there are numerous moments that I wonder why the hell I picked it). But I think there's great potential in it.

Aelith-san, はじめまして。ちゅうごくじんですか?にほんごのにちなんせいですか? ^_^

Ogata said...

けんこうの ために よる10じから 2じはんねるのが いいとききました。But it is very difficult when you are student, right? べんきょう がんばってください!

aelith said...


Sakura said...

aelithさんは にほんごとちゅうごくごを ならいます。
わたしのクラスメートも にほんごとちゅうごくごを ならいます。 He said it could be pretty confusing sometimes with all the Kanjis and Chinese characters. I don't know how you guys can do it. Japanese alone is taking all my time already! =P